If you are still in your 20s 30s, please read this.
- Develop a routine to sleep at 9PM and be awake at 4AM every day. 7 hours of sleep is recipe for a focused day.
- Adopt a routine in the morning to read, write and internalize what you understand for 100 minutes.
- Do not date while you’re broke, in terrible shape or your life chaotic. First get your life in order.
- Resist the urge of chasing cheap dopamine. It’s the cheapest ticket to depression and a miserable life.
- No matter what’s going on in your life, work out 7x a week. It’s the greatest therapy to your mental health.
- Normalize a cold shower every morning. It heals your body and prepare you for a new day.
- Don’t miss out to make internet a source of your income. There’s endless opportunities for you to make money in your sleep.
- Make your life 100% your responsibility. Don’t blame your parents, circumstances or anyone for your misery.
- Invest in a good wardrobe, smell nice and learn social skills. You’ll boost your success rate by 94%.
- Befriend nature. Walk at-least 30 minutes a day. A walk in the sun will clear your mind, boost your mood and makes you get creative.
- Hang out with ambitious, motivated and people who’re obsessed with improving their life. Your circle should discuss more about money, business and success.
- Make 70% of your meals to be protein. It help you repair, build and strengthen your body and mind.
- Realize a skill is 10x more valuable than your grades. Learn a high income skill to help you solve money problems.
- Be smart enough to realize PORN and Masturbation is the easiest way to ruin your life and greatest killer of success.
- Keep distance from people who only prioritize their needs over yours, it doesn’t matter the role they play in your life. They are your greatest setback to success.